Tired of not being afraid

Since I set foot for the first time in Tanzania, in 2019, I don’t know how many times I will have heard that from:

And aren’t you afraid?…and I say… afraid why?

If there is one thing that I have always been clear about, it is that fear does not go with me, I will never stop doing anything because of fear. Just because I’m not afraid doesn’t mean I’m taking 100% risks.

But the crux of the matter is, why should I be more afraid in Tanzania or Kenya than in Spain?

It is obvious that everything is very different but unpleasant situations happen anywhere in the world. And that if you go into the wolf’s mouth, he’ll probably eat you. Of course it is!

But to this day the question of aren’t you afraid to be there still creaks at me so much? For example, in the season that I have been in Kenya everyone warned me 500 thousand times to be careful, that I will only use uber, that I will not leave alone later than 18:00, that I will not travel alone at night, that I will not take out my mobile phone on the street, that no, no, no… and at first I complied with “the rules” but not out of fear, I think because I felt that I was not failing anyone.

But I got tired, in fact the first two weeks I was supposed to be living in one of the least “friendly” neighborhoods of Nairobi but I didn’t perceive it that way. I took matatus (buses) with confidence, walked what is not written and never had any kind of problem or mishap.

That’s why I want to demystify that you should be afraid when traveling to any of these two countries, caution yes but like anywhere in the world (even on your own street) but fear no, please. You don’t know how many conversations I had about this topic during my stay in Kenya. And everyone ended up with the same sentence: “Tell them, that there is no need to be afraid here.” At most they can try to increase the price of transportation or anything else heh, heh but it’s the daily bread…

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